Sunday 5 January 2020

Going into the new year like…

Happy new year all, we’ve made it to 2020! As school is still not back I’ve been a little bored to tell the truth. Our group has been very different since all the boys left and finding a routine again without them is going to take some time. So I’ve been thinking, now that its 2020, it’s a new school year, I am going to TRY to do things a little different.

This year I would like to be more active, I have been a very lazy slob in the time I’ve been here and it’s about time I did something so, since just before the new year I started going running every morning and hopefully I’ll manage to keep it up and if not running some other type of activity.

I would like to eat healthier! There is sooooo much lovely food here but I have to admit it’s probably not the healthiest all the time. The way Zambians cook means that all veg is cooked in oil and they love meat but it’s all very salty. It tastes lovely, but like I said, probably not the healthiest. Also with shopping for myself and not having people like mum around means that I have chocolate in my house a lot and I can snack on it without being told off! So now whenever I want chocolate I eat a carrot!

I would like to be tidier. When I arrived in September this was also my aim but after about 3 weeks my room was an absolute mess! I live with two people who like the place to be tidy and I need to work more on keeping things tidy for them more than for me.

I would like to do more creative things. I am a photographer, an artist and I can sew. Since arriving I’ve done one painting and made the waistband for a skirt! Oh I did make a cloth bag but that was because I was teaching the secondary girls how to make them. So right now I’m learning how to do hand lettering, something I always thought was too hard but now that I’m trying I see that it’s not too different from copying a picture for me at the moment, and I have finally finished a drawing of a spider which I think I started about a year ago! My aim is to do at least a little bit of something every day.

And my most important aim of all for this year is that I need to spend more time reading my bible and more time with my father in heaven. Reading has never been my strong suit but since being here and not having a TV I have definitely improved so now I need to use that to learn more and grow in my faith.

So in conclusion:
  • ·         I want to be more active
  • ·         I want to eat healthier
  • ·         I want to be tidier
  • ·         I want to be more creative and arty
  • ·         I NEED to spend more time with God.

I hope you all have a lovely new year and achieve all your aims too. Thank you for your support.
Beth 05.01.2020

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