Sunday 5 April 2020

So where do I begin?... Term 1 2020 Review

So where do I begin? Back in January I tore a ligament in my knee so I was unable to go for my run like I planned. School has been very different over this term due to having double grades. I still taught swimming but this term I was also more involved with other subjects such as Music which I now teach grades 4 & 5 as well as 6 & 7 with Michelle, Maths and English, Art and ICT. I also became the Chemistry ‘teacher’ for grades 11 & 12 which is GCSE level due to the fact that the previous chemistry teacher left in December. Of cause many people thought that was hilarious especially my Dad and Sister (my dad was a chemist and my sister is studying A-level chemistry). By teacher I mean that the children are doing an online cause and I’m around to help as much as I can. I no longer taught PE which made things different. I have had three different timetables for this term so far. Things got changed or I had to move or someone else needed more help than others. This term definitely kept me on my toes! It also meant that It was tricky to update you all because I wasn’t 100% sure of what was going on myself.

Over the past few months it’s been very difficult to avoid a certain topic of conversation. COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. Here in Zambia we’ve only recently had any confirmed cases but to be honest it’s probably been here for ages and we could have already had the worst of it here. Zambia doesn’t have the same elderly population or the medication to keep most of the people it would have affected most alive in the first place. Here if someone dies with a fever you assume its Malaria not coronavirus. On Tuesday the 17th of March we found out that the school would close as of Friday the 20th which came as a shock. After finding that out maybe an hour before lunch, just after lunch I received the news that all the German volunteers were being called home! I didn’t know what to do or what to say. It was only the day before that we had all been given the opportunity to ask to go home and then the next day the choice was gone! It was a very tricky evening and none of us really knew what to do with ourselves. We were all in shock! None of us expected that to come so soon or if at all.

As I write this now I am the only remaining foreign volunteer left. The team since I arrived has gone from, at its biggest we were, 8 people to now being 2 people. Daniel left back in December, Alex was promoted to dorm parent so is no longer a volunteer even though he is still here. Now, Melanie, Michelle, Pia and Julia have all gone home. It was such a stressful time. At first we didn’t know when they would leave then we were told Monday the 23rd. So we planned to go to the market for the last time on the Saturday before and then have the leaving party on the Sunday. Then we hear that the flight has been moved to Sunday the 24th and that the markets are now closed. So change of plan now we have the party on Saturday. Then we hear that they leave on Friday the 27th. Thankfully we kept the party still on Saturday because late Saturday evening we found out that they fly tomorrow (Sunday 22nd). By this time, I am just so exhausted and to be honest I didn’t really care when they flew I just wanted it to be over. Which sounds horrible but it was just so hard saying good bye over and over again and then the not knowing. There was a rush of packing and then they went round campus and said good bye to everyone. Tomorrow came and we went to Ndola for their flight, then get this, Michelle can’t fly today she’s got a flight for Friday so they’re now separated. We all said a very sad goodbye to Melanie, Pia and Julia which might have involved dancing at the airport 😂. So I still have a house mate for another week. YAY! 😁 Oh but wait, NO, I don’t, because late on Tuesday evening we hear that she will fly tomorrow (Wednesday 25th March). I have decided that I really hate ‘tomorrow’! Tomorrow is never allowed to happen anymore, it’s just too stressful. Wednesday was tough, we (Diana and I) couldn’t travel to Ndola with Michelle due to another family traveling aswell so there wasn’t enough space. So we said goodbye to Michelle here at Amano and almost had to hope that we didn’t see her come back later that day. (This was very possible with the way flights were at that time).

After all of this, as I’m sure you can understand, I am exhausted! It was a lot of late nights making the most of the time I had left with them, it was a lot of stress just not knowing when what was going to happen. Sometimes I was relieved and other times I was shocked and other times I was just very sad! To be honest now I’m kind of glad they’re gone for the one reason that all the stress is over. I obviously would have preferred for them to not have needed to go but because I knew they did have to go it was all just about the waiting for it to actually happen.

From that Wednesday I moved in with the Wardle family for a while to just recover and basically not be alone in my house while trying to process it all. I’m helping with home-schooling the kids anyway so it was good to also be able to have company in the evening too. We have done all sorts. We made lemonade. We had a snow ball fight (in shorts and and t-shirts 😂). We’ve done all sorts of practical science experiments, such as, using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to clean the inside of the oven. It’s been so much fun getting to hang out with the whole family and I feel so blessed to have them so close to me. I don’t know what these past days would have been like without them, especially with the new lockdown rules we have at Amano.

On Friday the 3rd of April I moved back into my flat. It’s very strange here now, especially since the way I cleaned it was to remove all the furniture from the living room so that I could then sweep and mop the floor more effectively. It was still my home but it didn’t feel much like it. The next day though thankfully Diana moved in with me! We have now moved all the furniture back to its right place and it’s feeling more like home again. It’s still very strange without Julia and Michelle though but I’m sure I will get used to that eventually. Here is to figuring out the new normal, a boat I’m sure we are all in. Good luck all.

At some point I will try to go back and fill in some of the gaps between now and Christmas 2019. I’m sorry that I have been so quiet, I will try to get better at updating you all. Thank you for all your prayer and support.

Beth Richardson, Amano, 05/04/2020

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