Saturday 5 December 2020

It's Finished!

It’s finished! My teaching time has come to an end! These past couple of weeks have been super crazy! My aim was to be almost completely packed by the 27th of November and I’m pleased to say I think I mostly managed. Still needed things to live with though. We have also had all the prep for the 3 Christmas performances. Due to Corona, we couldn’t do the normal Christmas play with all the primaries due to distancing the parents out and the students supposedly. Grades 1, 2 & 3 were together and I made many of the props with the students in our art lessons for it. This was very stressful and took a lot of work but I’m really pleased with how they all turned out.

With grade 1 we made sheep masks! The sheep were so cute!

With Grade 2 we found Shepheard staffs and made ‘grass’ to stand at the front of the stage.

With Grade 3 we made a fire. Now, this took FOREVER I spent hours before the lesson, making the bass, making the foam rocks (expanding building foam), and then giving them their first coat of paint. In the actual lesson, they gave the rocks another coat of paint, went out to collect the sticks, and then tore up the red tissue paper for the flames. Becky and I then spent at least another hour gluing the whole thing together and praying that power wouldn’t go (we were using a hot glue gun). I’m really pleased with how it turned out. The only thing that would have been better is if we could have put fairy lights inside it I think.

Grades 4 & 5 were together and they did a ‘countdown to Christmas’ performance, sadly I wasn’t able to see their final performance. Finally, we had Grades 6 & 7 together and they did a brilliant job too. My favourite line in it though was said by Talia Wardle, it was something along the lines of “we can make him a birthday cake and then throw it up to heaven” when asked what can they do to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. I think I need to try this!

In our final swimming lessons, we had pool parties! It was so much fun! I especially enjoyed swimming with the grade 4s and 5s on Wednesday the 2nd and with the 6s and 7s on Friday the 4th which was my final lesson ever. With those grades, I can really swim with them as they are in a deeper pool and can properly swim without fear of drowning (most of them anyway but they’re very sensible, I also had extra people on the side of the pool keeping an eye on everything for me).

Grade 4&5

Grade 6&7

Grade 6&7

Grade 6

The children were leaving and I think it finally hit me a little bit that I’m leaving and I may never see some of them ever again! I have had such an amazing time teaching these amazing children, many of them have challenged me both with my patience and my intellect and I have grown and learnt so much from being able to teach them and support them.

For now, Amano Christian School, my time of teaching here is over. But I’ll be back, even if it’s only a visit!

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